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in dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Cell Death Adolfo Toledano et al
Differ 2009; 16(3):378-85. 1913; 11:255-315.
20. Verkhratsky A, Rodríguez JJ, Parpura V. Astroglia in 35. Terrazas R. Notas sobre la neuroglia del cerebelo y el
crecimiento de los elementos nerviosos. Rev Trim
neurological diseases. Future Neurol 2013; 8:149-58. Micrográf 1897; II 49-65.
21. Verkhratsky A, Marutle A, Rodríguez-Arellano JJ, et 36. Del Río Hortega P. El 'tercer elemento' de los centros
al. Glial Asthenia and Functional Paralysis: A New nerviosos. Poder fagocitario y movilidad de la
microglia. Bol Soc Esp Biol 19019; 8:68-82.
Perspective on Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer's
37. Del Río Hortega P. La glia de escasas radiaciones
Disease. Neuroscientist 2014. pii: (oligodendroglia). Bol Real Soc Esp Hist Nat 1921;
38. Del Río Hortega P. Histogénesis y evolución normal,
22. Mitew S, Kirkcaldie MT, Dickson TC, et al. Altered éxodo y distribución regional de la microglia.
Memorias Real Soci Esp Hist Nat 1921; 11:213-68.
synapses and gliotransmission in Alzheimer's disease
39. Kalman M. GFAP expression withdraws—a trend of
and AD model mice.Neurobiol Aging 2013; 34:2341- glial evolution? Brain Res Bull 2001; 57:509-11.
51. 40. Schools GP, Zhou M, Kimelberg HK.
Electrophysiologically "complex" glial cells freshly
23. Martineau M. Gliotransmission: focus on exocytotic isolated from the hippocampus are immunopositive
for the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan NG2. J
release of L-glutamate and D-serine from astrocytes. Neurosci Res. 2003; 73:765-77.
Biochem Soc Trans 2013; 41:1557-61. 41. Levine JM, Card JP. Light and electron microscopic
localization of a cell surface antigen (NG2) in the rat
24. Martineau M, Shi T, Puyal J, et al. Storage and uptake cerebellum: association with smooth protoplasmic
of D-serine into astrocyticsynaptic-like vesicles astrocytes. J Neurosci. 1987; 7(9): 2711-20.
specify gliotransmission. J Neurosci 2013; 33:3413- 43. Oberheim NA, Takano T, Han X, et al. Uniquely
hominid features of adult human astrocytes. J
3423. Neurosci 2009; 29:3276-87.
25. Sloan SA, Barres BA. Looks can be deceiving: 44. Toledano A, Álvarez MI, Toledano-Díaz A. Diversity
and variability of the nicotine effects on different
reconsidering the evidence for gliotransmission. brain cortical regions. Therapeutic and toxicologic
implications.Central Nervous System Agents in
Neuron 2014; 84:1112-15. Medicinal Chemistry 2010; 10:180-206.
26.Agnati LF, Cortelli P, Pettersson R, et al. The concept 45. Iliff JJ, Nedergaard M. Is there a cerebral lymphatic
of trophic units in the central nervous system. Prog system? Stroke 2013; 44(6 Suppl 1):S93-5.
Neurobiol 1995; 46:561-74. 46. Wyss-Coray T, Rogers J. Inflammation in Alzheimer
disease-a brief review of the basic science and clinical
27. Perea G, Sur M, Araque A. Neuron-glia networks: literature. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med
integral gear of brainfunction. Front Cell Neurosci.
47. Meraz-Ríos MA, Toral-Ríos D, Franco-Bocanegra D,
2014; 8:378. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00378. et al. Inflammatoryprocess in Alzheimer's Disease.
Front Integr Neurosci 2013; 7:59. doi:
28. Alvarez MI, Rivas L, Lacruz C, et al. Astroglial cell 10.3389/fnint.2013.00059.
subtypes in the cerebella of normal adults, elderly 48. Frackowiak J, Wisniewski HM, Wegiel J, Merz GS,
Iqbal K, Wang KC. Ultrastructure of the microglia
adults, and patients with Alzheimer's disease: A that phagocytose amyloid and the microglia that
produce beta-amyloid fibrils. Acta Neuropathol 1992;
histological and immunohistochemical comparison. 84:225-33.
Glia 2015; 62:287-312. 49. Masliah E, Mallory M, Hansen L, et al.
Immunoreactivity of CD45, a protein phosphotyrosine
29. Virchow R. Die Cellularpathologie in ihrerBegründung phosphatase, in Alzheimer's disease. Acta
Neuropathol 1991; 83:12–20.
auf physiologische und pathologische Gewebelehre.
50. Ito D, Imai Y, Ohsawa K, et al. Microglia-specific
Berlin: Verlag 1858. localization of a novel calcium binding protein, Iba1.
Brain Res Mol Brain Res 1998; 57:1–9 (1998).
30. Retzius G. Die Neuroglia des Gehirns beim Menschen
@Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. Spain
und bei Säugethieren: Die Neuroglia des Kleinhirns.
Biologische Untersuchungen. Neue Folge VI: 1894;
pp 16-20.
31. Bergmann C. Notiz ubre einige Structurverhältnisse
der Cerebellum und Rückenmarks. Z Rationelle Med
1857; 8:360-63.
32. Golgi C. Sulla fina anatomia del cervelletto umano.
Lecture, Ist. Lomb Sci Lett. (Milano) 8, January
(1874). (Reprinted 1903, in: Opera Omnia, vol. I:
Istologia normale, 1870-1883. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. p
33. Ramón y Cajal S. Histologie du systéme nerveux de
l´homme et des vertébrés (translated by L. Azoulay),
vols I and II. Paris: Maloine (1909-1911). (Reprinted
1952 and 1955. Madrid: Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas).
34. Ramón y Cajal S. Contribución al conocimiento de la
neuroglia del cerebro humano. Trab Lab Invest Biol
Differ 2009; 16(3):378-85. 1913; 11:255-315.
20. Verkhratsky A, Rodríguez JJ, Parpura V. Astroglia in 35. Terrazas R. Notas sobre la neuroglia del cerebelo y el
crecimiento de los elementos nerviosos. Rev Trim
neurological diseases. Future Neurol 2013; 8:149-58. Micrográf 1897; II 49-65.
21. Verkhratsky A, Marutle A, Rodríguez-Arellano JJ, et 36. Del Río Hortega P. El 'tercer elemento' de los centros
al. Glial Asthenia and Functional Paralysis: A New nerviosos. Poder fagocitario y movilidad de la
microglia. Bol Soc Esp Biol 19019; 8:68-82.
Perspective on Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer's
37. Del Río Hortega P. La glia de escasas radiaciones
Disease. Neuroscientist 2014. pii: (oligodendroglia). Bol Real Soc Esp Hist Nat 1921;
38. Del Río Hortega P. Histogénesis y evolución normal,
22. Mitew S, Kirkcaldie MT, Dickson TC, et al. Altered éxodo y distribución regional de la microglia.
Memorias Real Soci Esp Hist Nat 1921; 11:213-68.
synapses and gliotransmission in Alzheimer's disease
39. Kalman M. GFAP expression withdraws—a trend of
and AD model mice.Neurobiol Aging 2013; 34:2341- glial evolution? Brain Res Bull 2001; 57:509-11.
51. 40. Schools GP, Zhou M, Kimelberg HK.
Electrophysiologically "complex" glial cells freshly
23. Martineau M. Gliotransmission: focus on exocytotic isolated from the hippocampus are immunopositive
for the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan NG2. J
release of L-glutamate and D-serine from astrocytes. Neurosci Res. 2003; 73:765-77.
Biochem Soc Trans 2013; 41:1557-61. 41. Levine JM, Card JP. Light and electron microscopic
localization of a cell surface antigen (NG2) in the rat
24. Martineau M, Shi T, Puyal J, et al. Storage and uptake cerebellum: association with smooth protoplasmic
of D-serine into astrocyticsynaptic-like vesicles astrocytes. J Neurosci. 1987; 7(9): 2711-20.
specify gliotransmission. J Neurosci 2013; 33:3413- 43. Oberheim NA, Takano T, Han X, et al. Uniquely
hominid features of adult human astrocytes. J
3423. Neurosci 2009; 29:3276-87.
25. Sloan SA, Barres BA. Looks can be deceiving: 44. Toledano A, Álvarez MI, Toledano-Díaz A. Diversity
and variability of the nicotine effects on different
reconsidering the evidence for gliotransmission. brain cortical regions. Therapeutic and toxicologic
implications.Central Nervous System Agents in
Neuron 2014; 84:1112-15. Medicinal Chemistry 2010; 10:180-206.
26.Agnati LF, Cortelli P, Pettersson R, et al. The concept 45. Iliff JJ, Nedergaard M. Is there a cerebral lymphatic
of trophic units in the central nervous system. Prog system? Stroke 2013; 44(6 Suppl 1):S93-5.
Neurobiol 1995; 46:561-74. 46. Wyss-Coray T, Rogers J. Inflammation in Alzheimer
disease-a brief review of the basic science and clinical
27. Perea G, Sur M, Araque A. Neuron-glia networks: literature. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med
integral gear of brainfunction. Front Cell Neurosci.
47. Meraz-Ríos MA, Toral-Ríos D, Franco-Bocanegra D,
2014; 8:378. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00378. et al. Inflammatoryprocess in Alzheimer's Disease.
Front Integr Neurosci 2013; 7:59. doi:
28. Alvarez MI, Rivas L, Lacruz C, et al. Astroglial cell 10.3389/fnint.2013.00059.
subtypes in the cerebella of normal adults, elderly 48. Frackowiak J, Wisniewski HM, Wegiel J, Merz GS,
Iqbal K, Wang KC. Ultrastructure of the microglia
adults, and patients with Alzheimer's disease: A that phagocytose amyloid and the microglia that
produce beta-amyloid fibrils. Acta Neuropathol 1992;
histological and immunohistochemical comparison. 84:225-33.
Glia 2015; 62:287-312. 49. Masliah E, Mallory M, Hansen L, et al.
Immunoreactivity of CD45, a protein phosphotyrosine
29. Virchow R. Die Cellularpathologie in ihrerBegründung phosphatase, in Alzheimer's disease. Acta
Neuropathol 1991; 83:12–20.
auf physiologische und pathologische Gewebelehre.
50. Ito D, Imai Y, Ohsawa K, et al. Microglia-specific
Berlin: Verlag 1858. localization of a novel calcium binding protein, Iba1.
Brain Res Mol Brain Res 1998; 57:1–9 (1998).
30. Retzius G. Die Neuroglia des Gehirns beim Menschen
@Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. Spain
und bei Säugethieren: Die Neuroglia des Kleinhirns.
Biologische Untersuchungen. Neue Folge VI: 1894;
pp 16-20.
31. Bergmann C. Notiz ubre einige Structurverhältnisse
der Cerebellum und Rückenmarks. Z Rationelle Med
1857; 8:360-63.
32. Golgi C. Sulla fina anatomia del cervelletto umano.
Lecture, Ist. Lomb Sci Lett. (Milano) 8, January
(1874). (Reprinted 1903, in: Opera Omnia, vol. I:
Istologia normale, 1870-1883. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. p
33. Ramón y Cajal S. Histologie du systéme nerveux de
l´homme et des vertébrés (translated by L. Azoulay),
vols I and II. Paris: Maloine (1909-1911). (Reprinted
1952 and 1955. Madrid: Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas).
34. Ramón y Cajal S. Contribución al conocimiento de la
neuroglia del cerebro humano. Trab Lab Invest Biol