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Chaminade, C. and Cañibano, L. (2003). La gestión de los intangibles y el
aprendizaje empresarial. In J.M. Casado (Ed), Desaprendizaje Organizativo, Ariel.
Barcelona, pp. 181-201.
Chaminade, C. and Johanson, U. (2003). Can guidelines for Intellectual Capital
management and reporting be considered without addressing cultural
differences? In: Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 4, No.4, pp. 528-542.
Chaminade, C. and Roberts, H. (2003). What it means is what it does: a comparative
analysis of implementing intellectual capital in Norway and Spain. In: European
Accounting Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, Pp.733 - 751.
Cowan, R; Van de Paal, G; Sánchez, M.P. et al. (2000) Innovation Policy in a
Knowledge -Based Economy-A Merit Study Commissioned by the European
Commission Enterprise Directorate General. Publication No EUR17023 of the
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg. (In:
Dell Bello, A. (2002). A Regulatory Competition? A Critical Comparison of the
Existant Guidelines and Recommendations on IC Statements and Intangibles
Reports. Paper presented at the International Conference The Transparent
Enterprise - The Value of Intangibles, Madrid. November.
DATI (2000). A Guideline for Intellectual Capital Statements - A Key to Knowledge
Management. Copenhagen.
DMSTI (2003a). Analysing Intellectual Capital Statements. Copenhagen.
DMSTI (2003b). Intellectual Capital Statements - The New Guideline. Copenhagen.
Dru, J.M. (1997). Disrupt your business. En: Journal of Business Strategy. Vol 18,
No. 3, pp. 24- 29.
Edvinsson, L. and Malone, M. (1997). Intellectual Capital. Realizing your Company’s
True Value by Finding its Hidden Brainpower. Ediciones Gestión 2000 S.A.,
Engströn, T., Wetnes, P. and Furdal, S. (2003). Evaluating intellectual capital in the
hotel industry. In Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 287- 303.
Foray, D. y Lundvall, B.A. (1996). The Knowledge-based Economy: From the
Economics of Knowledge to the Learning Economy. In: Employment and Growth
in the Knowledge-based Economy. OECD. Paris.
García-Ayuso, M. and Sánchez, P. (2001). On the need to measure intangibles to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of benchmarking-based policy making.
European Commission. In: Cañibano, L. and Sánchez, P. (2004). Readings on
Intangibles & Intellectual Capital (Ed). Pp. 81-113. AECA. Madrid. In: Cañibano,
L. and Sánchez, P. (2004). Readings on Intangibles & Intellectual Capital (Ed). Pp.
117-133. AECA. Madrid. (In:
Grant, R. (1991). The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage :
Implications for Strategy Formulation. In: California Management Review, Spring
, Pp.114-135.
93| A case study on spanish electrical utilities
aprendizaje empresarial. In J.M. Casado (Ed), Desaprendizaje Organizativo, Ariel.
Barcelona, pp. 181-201.
Chaminade, C. and Johanson, U. (2003). Can guidelines for Intellectual Capital
management and reporting be considered without addressing cultural
differences? In: Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 4, No.4, pp. 528-542.
Chaminade, C. and Roberts, H. (2003). What it means is what it does: a comparative
analysis of implementing intellectual capital in Norway and Spain. In: European
Accounting Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, Pp.733 - 751.
Cowan, R; Van de Paal, G; Sánchez, M.P. et al. (2000) Innovation Policy in a
Knowledge -Based Economy-A Merit Study Commissioned by the European
Commission Enterprise Directorate General. Publication No EUR17023 of the
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg. (In:
Dell Bello, A. (2002). A Regulatory Competition? A Critical Comparison of the
Existant Guidelines and Recommendations on IC Statements and Intangibles
Reports. Paper presented at the International Conference The Transparent
Enterprise - The Value of Intangibles, Madrid. November.
DATI (2000). A Guideline for Intellectual Capital Statements - A Key to Knowledge
Management. Copenhagen.
DMSTI (2003a). Analysing Intellectual Capital Statements. Copenhagen.
DMSTI (2003b). Intellectual Capital Statements - The New Guideline. Copenhagen.
Dru, J.M. (1997). Disrupt your business. En: Journal of Business Strategy. Vol 18,
No. 3, pp. 24- 29.
Edvinsson, L. and Malone, M. (1997). Intellectual Capital. Realizing your Company’s
True Value by Finding its Hidden Brainpower. Ediciones Gestión 2000 S.A.,
Engströn, T., Wetnes, P. and Furdal, S. (2003). Evaluating intellectual capital in the
hotel industry. In Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 287- 303.
Foray, D. y Lundvall, B.A. (1996). The Knowledge-based Economy: From the
Economics of Knowledge to the Learning Economy. In: Employment and Growth
in the Knowledge-based Economy. OECD. Paris.
García-Ayuso, M. and Sánchez, P. (2001). On the need to measure intangibles to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of benchmarking-based policy making.
European Commission. In: Cañibano, L. and Sánchez, P. (2004). Readings on
Intangibles & Intellectual Capital (Ed). Pp. 81-113. AECA. Madrid. In: Cañibano,
L. and Sánchez, P. (2004). Readings on Intangibles & Intellectual Capital (Ed). Pp.
117-133. AECA. Madrid. (In:
Grant, R. (1991). The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage :
Implications for Strategy Formulation. In: California Management Review, Spring
, Pp.114-135.
93| A case study on spanish electrical utilities