Page 77 - Anales RADE vol I n 1
P. 77
intellectual capital and that there are limitations with respect to the verifiability of
the data reported.
Thirdly, with respect to the evaluation of variables related to intellectual
capital, several case studies have been conducted in sectors such as biotechnology
and telecommunications (Palacios and Garrigós, 2003), hospitality (Engströn et.
al., 2003) and services (Lim and Dallimore, 2003). In each case, the starting point
has been a specific model comprising a host of predefined variables, and then
taking selected portions of the model in function to their relevance to the sector in
Each of these studies, however, reveals the limited applicability of these
guidelines for measuring and managing intangible assets within specific industries.
Each case gives rise to the question of the appropriate variables that should be
used for each type of evaluation. Utilizing a single set of variables does have the
advantage of facilitating a future comparison of studies covering different sectors.
However, it is also possible that key variables of particular importance to an
industry are omitted.
This study attempts to define those variables that are most relevant to a
particular industry by applying the existing guidelines. This is a first step toward a
comparison and evaluation across various sectors.
The conceptual bases of this paper are principally the “Méritum Guidelines”
and the “Danish Guidelines”. From the Méritum Guidelines we have adopted the
recommendations set out in the chapters entitled “Identification” and
“Measurement”, which highlight Key Intangibles as the axis for designing a model
for intellectual capital and the characteristics that a system of indicators should
From the Danish Guidelines we have borrowed the methodologies designed
therein for the gathering of information (Helping questions, Suggested tables for
collection of information, etc.).
This paper does not start with any predetermined indicators of variables as
its purpose is to identify those that should be defined and validated. However,
given the need to begin from an initial point of reference, recent models are used
including the Intellectus Model, the annexes to the “Danish Guidelines and specific
documents from the electrical utilities sector.
We have modified the structure used for the system of indicators to
facilitate the validation of the key variables. The purpose of these modifications
has been to define a set of first order variables (general) for each key intangible,
which are then defined as a function of other second order variables (specific
variables). The primary objective of this approach is to facilitate the elaboration of
the validation questionnaires and likewise a review of the set of indicators
ultimately established.
These variables are related to two concepts set forth in the Méritum
Guidelines, the intangible resources related to key intangibles as well as the
77| A case study on spanish electrical utilities
the data reported.
Thirdly, with respect to the evaluation of variables related to intellectual
capital, several case studies have been conducted in sectors such as biotechnology
and telecommunications (Palacios and Garrigós, 2003), hospitality (Engströn et.
al., 2003) and services (Lim and Dallimore, 2003). In each case, the starting point
has been a specific model comprising a host of predefined variables, and then
taking selected portions of the model in function to their relevance to the sector in
Each of these studies, however, reveals the limited applicability of these
guidelines for measuring and managing intangible assets within specific industries.
Each case gives rise to the question of the appropriate variables that should be
used for each type of evaluation. Utilizing a single set of variables does have the
advantage of facilitating a future comparison of studies covering different sectors.
However, it is also possible that key variables of particular importance to an
industry are omitted.
This study attempts to define those variables that are most relevant to a
particular industry by applying the existing guidelines. This is a first step toward a
comparison and evaluation across various sectors.
The conceptual bases of this paper are principally the “Méritum Guidelines”
and the “Danish Guidelines”. From the Méritum Guidelines we have adopted the
recommendations set out in the chapters entitled “Identification” and
“Measurement”, which highlight Key Intangibles as the axis for designing a model
for intellectual capital and the characteristics that a system of indicators should
From the Danish Guidelines we have borrowed the methodologies designed
therein for the gathering of information (Helping questions, Suggested tables for
collection of information, etc.).
This paper does not start with any predetermined indicators of variables as
its purpose is to identify those that should be defined and validated. However,
given the need to begin from an initial point of reference, recent models are used
including the Intellectus Model, the annexes to the “Danish Guidelines and specific
documents from the electrical utilities sector.
We have modified the structure used for the system of indicators to
facilitate the validation of the key variables. The purpose of these modifications
has been to define a set of first order variables (general) for each key intangible,
which are then defined as a function of other second order variables (specific
variables). The primary objective of this approach is to facilitate the elaboration of
the validation questionnaires and likewise a review of the set of indicators
ultimately established.
These variables are related to two concepts set forth in the Méritum
Guidelines, the intangible resources related to key intangibles as well as the
77| A case study on spanish electrical utilities