C. Hernández-‐Sánchez, P. Vázquez, FloradePablo
TH as well as adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors are expressed in the chick
We have found that thmRNA expression is enriched in the cardiac field of
gastrulating chick embryos. By stages 8-‐10, it was restricted to the splanchnic
mesoderm of both endocardial tubes and was subsequently (stages 11-‐12)
expressed predominantly in themyocardial layer of the atrial segment (Figure 5,
(13)). The levels of thmRNA in the heart increased several fold between stage 8
Figure 5. Tyrosine hydroxylase expression in the chick embryonic heart.
In the upper panel,
wholemount in situ hybridization for stages 10 to 12 are shown. Note the restricted expression in
the heart tube. In the lower panel RT-‐PCR of
mRNA expression is shown in the developing
endocardial tube (stage 8) and heart tube (stages 10 and 12) and postnatal day 10 (P10) heart. An
internal controlwith
is shownbelow. (Modified from[13]).